Salvation Confession & Rededication
Jesus is all Rock Our Breathe, Our Everything!
Always know that God loves you more than you can ever imagine. Jesus Loves you. Come as you are. Look at John 3:16, God gave His only begotten son that you may have life. Not just life, but that life more abundantly. He is that rock for those who have accepted Him! Ref. Josh. 1:9. God Almighty will be with you in the midst of the storm
& He can dream of reality (with-in His Will).
If you don’t know Jesus & have not accepted him into your heart as of yet. It is not too late to accept Him into your heart wholeheartedly Today!
Simply by Confessing Jesus Christ Right Now
According to Roman 10:9-10. You can make a prayer of Salvation unto the Lord by confessing

Father God. I am a sinner. Oh Lord, I believe with all my heart, Jesus Christ. You are the son of the Living God. I am a sinner. I believe you died for me, was buried and risen from the dead. I believe you are alive today. I confess with my mouth, Jesus Christ. You are the Lord of my life from this day! Through Christ & In Your Name, I have Eternal life. I am BORN AGAIN, Thank you Lord for saving my soul. I am now a child of God. Hallelujah.
Have a Praise Report to Share
Glorify God with your testimony. There’s no praise report too big or small. Share your Faith experience with others today. Helping others to be built up in faith. Growing that Mustard Seed of faith from one level of glory to another. Preparing one’s heart to believe & receive. God honors the heart of gratitude. God bless you with your praise report. Get ready & be expectant of more testimonies to come. From glory to glory. Praise God Almighty, Amen.

Woman on Fire

What we do
- Encourage one another
- Speak Life
- Cell groups
- Dunamis Prayer
- Council for woman, youth & marriage
- Financial Independence
- Charity
- Yearly Conference, Women's Retreat
- Fundraising to keep WOF moving blessings Globally
- Becoming God’s Dream Quarterly Zoom meeting

Iron Men on Fire
- Encourage one another
- Speak Life – Iron Sharpen Iron
- Cell groups
- Iron Men Dunamis Prayer
- Council for Men, youth & marriage
- Financial Independence, Business Iron Men
- Charity
- Yearly Conference, Iron Men for Christ Retreat
- Fundraising to keep WOF moving blessings Globally
- Becoming God’s Dream Quarterly Zoom meeting