Welcome to THOLOIM where The Word of God Gives You Hope.


The Hope Of Life Outreach International Ministries

THOLOIM is restoring the hope of life back to humanity. Ministering to the wholeness of  man, spirit, soul and body will be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus.  Our prayer stands on 1Thess. 5:23 

Hope Encouragement & Salvation Invitation

Never Lose Hope!  Stay Encouraged. God Loves us more than we can imagine. He is a Loving God.  He can transform anyone’s life

Find Your Way in Life Through Jesus Christ

Fight the Good Fight of Faith

Jesus is all Rock Our Breathe, Our Everything!

Always know that God loves you more than you can ever imagine. Jesus Loves you. Come as you are.  Look at John 3:16, God gave His only begotten son that you may have life.  Not just life, but that life more abundantly.  He is that rock for those who have accepted Him! Ref. Josh. 1:9. God Almighty will be with you in the midst of the storm

& He can dream of reality (with-in His Will).


If you don’t know Jesus & have not accepted him into your heart as of yet. It is not too late to accept Him into your heart wholeheartedly Today! Simply by Confessing Jesus Christ Right Now

According to Roman 10:9-10. You can make a Sincere Prayer of Salvation unto the Lord by CONFESSION!


 Father God.  I am a sinner.  Dear Lord, Forgive me! Come into my heart & Cleanse me. I believe with all my heart, Jesus Christ. You are the son of the Living God. I am a sinner. I believe you died for me, was buried and risen from the dead. I believe you are alive today.  I confess with my mouth, Jesus Christ. You are the Lord of my life from this day! Through Christ & In Your Name, I have Eternal life. I Am BORN AGAIN,  Thank you Lord for saving my soul. I am now a Child of God.  Hallelujah! 


If you confess this prayer today! Congratulations. You are now a Child of the most High, God Almighty!  Please inbox us today & take note: Heaven rejoices over one soul won added to the Body of CHRIST. 


Luke 15:7 “I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.” Kjv Bible


THOLOIM Is Changing Lives One By One

Make Your Dreams of Dreams become Reality God’s way. Above All Else Love One Another, 1 Pet. 4:8. You are Created to Win!

What We Believe

  • Jesus Christ Is Lord. Only One God, who exists  in three persons. God – The Father, God – The Son & God – The Holy Spirit.  He died on the cross at the cavalry  for all mankind’s sins (Death, Burial, & Resurrection).  Jesus is Coming Again
  • Water Baptism, Baptism of the Holy Spirit &  taking of the Holy Communion
  • Giving, Charity Work
  • Soul Winning, Evangeling 
  • Bringing the Word of Truth, Hope, with the Love of God, Resources, Healing & Salvation globally to impact growth  & change globally

Salvation Area

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We would like to take out the time to thank you for your generosity to the work of the Lord. Your seed of love is transforming the lives of many globally. Your support makes it possible for Tholoim to do the will of God.  Bringing Hope, Love, Joy, peace, prosperity wherever the Word of truth is ministered. 


There is so much going in the world today.  Economically, politically, mentally, health crisis, hardships & more. By your support families will be greatly impacted all over the world.   We believe in the God of miracles. God is still speaking today!  


Join us in sharing the Word of truth. Testifying God’s goodness & what His sacrifice has done on cavalry.  Still to this day Vessels are transformed.  Let’s make a difference together.  Tholom ministries sharing His Love.  Changing the lives of many to achieve God’s desires for everyone by grace through Jesus Christ.


Jeffrey & Shaunte Pittman,

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Woman on Fire

We are the Proverbs 31 Woman who pursues the Wisdom of God & not the wisdom of this world. 

Proverbs 31:12 says, “She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.” Tholoim Woman on Fire is helping others in everyday life situations through the Word of God.

Our Focus is based on Matthews 28:19-20.  Helping to go out into the world and making disciples of all nations. God is all about Family. The Jesus Nation Family. One Love united in Christ.

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There are a lot of tears in our world, a lot of heartache, a lot of pain. When we get to heaven, the Scripture talks about how God will wipe away the tears. There will be no more tears, no more pain, no more loss. But while we’re here on earth, God is counting on us to wipe away the tears, to lift the fallen, to nourish the weak, to encourage those that are down. You can breathe life back into someone’s spirit, your kind words can set their dreams back into motion, your encouragement can be what causes them to step into their purpose.

Tholoim Tuesday, April 5, 2022 8:28 PM

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Making a Global impact to Inspiring others to achieve their Dreams of Dreams

Have a Praise Report to Share

Glorify God with your testimony. There’s no praise report too big or small. Share your Faith experience with others today. Helping others to be built up in faith. Growing that Mustard Seed of faith from one level of glory to another. Preparing one’s heart to believe & receive. God honors the heart of gratitude. God bless you with your praise report. Get ready & be expectant of more testimonies to come.  From glory to glory.  Praise God Almighty, Amen.

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Jeffrey Pittman #12 – 5/5/22 Ambassador for Christ Jesus Loves You more than you know. You are made to dominate. The times we are living in these days may seem difficult to navigate through. In all pursuit and well doing, be encourage. Stay strong. God will bring you through any obstacle. Always remember to be grateful for the good things. The gifts, the food, shelter, well-being. The things you do have right now. It is way more of value than some can imagine. Be encourage & see what’s ahead. He said in His Word. “I prepare a table before you. In the presene of your enemies” I other words God got it. He will take care of your needs. I may be hard in the waiting period. He has not forgotten you. He is setting you up for your breakthrough. Picture your success. Don’t see what you are passing through. The storm don’t last. When did you see a rain storm, tornado, hurricane lasting long days, weeks etc. That storm passes by & the sun begins to shine again. Glory to God. Put all you hope & trust in God. His promises are yes & Amen! Stay Strong & Fight the fight of Faith. Remember: Never lose hope. God’s Word only works for those who hearkens (being obedient to His voice) believes & receives by force.
Jeffrey Pittman #7 – 5/1/22 Jesus Loves You more than you know. You are made to dominate. The times we are living in these days may seem difficult to navigate through. In all pursuit and well doing, be encourage. Stay strong. God will bring you through any obstacle. Always remember to be grateful for the good things. The gifts, the food, shelter, well-being. The things you do have right now. It is way more of value than some can imagine. Be encourage & see what’s ahead. He said in His Word. “I prepare a table before you. In the presence of your enemies” I other words God got it. He will take care of your needs. I may be hard in the waiting period. He has not forgotten you. He is setting you up for your breakthrough. Picture your success. Don’t see what you are passing through. The storm don’t last. When did you see a rain storm, tornado, hurricane lasting long days, weeks etc. That storm passes by & the sun begins to shine again. Glory to God. Put all you hope & trust in God. His promises are yes & Amen! Stay Strong & Fight the fight of Faith. Remember: Never lose hope. God’s Word only works for those who hearkens (being obedient to His voice) believes & receives by force